Tuesday, December 4, 2012

September - December; ALL GOOD ;D

Whazzup, people of the earth,

I´ve been doing great lately, i´m always in a good mood, hah.
A lot of training(way too many times) and a lot of fun times(a bit too many, maybe :D) and all seems to be good.

I can´t forget to stress the pressure which has been laid upon me, A lot of schoolwork, usually ending my days at 16.00-17.00; 

As I turned 18, I thought, let´s get this freaking driver´s license, it´d be cool. So I went down to Estonia, passed both exams without any flaws, and now... I am a proud owner of the driver´s card. FUCK YEAH.

I have been doing a lot of KRAV MAGA, MUAY THAI and just simple GYMMING lately, they really help me relieve the burden from school :)
Anyway, i´m in good shape, love food, love the people around me, and i´ve been more together with some certain people lately, huh ;)

Since most of you like more pictures than reading a bible about my life.. i will make you happy. Here is a vast amount of pictures, hope you enjoy it,
Please leave some feedback, it´ll make me happy

Hope you enjoyed

<33333333 :D