Thursday, November 25, 2010

sup guys... 21:19

It was like the.. most important day today. We had prepared everything .. Made the school nice, painted the walls, cooked, just everything, for the visitors.
And ofc my hand hurt so bad in the morning today.. and i also overslept. ROFL. So basically, ive never overslept any classes yet here in Austria. And NOW, the most important day, i screwed up =D. I guess my inner me put some obstacles in the way, keeping me away from school today. For example
My hand is f***ed up
My alarm clock didn´t work
I was trying to get in time but the bus left like 1 sec before i got there - after waking up
I have 27kbs/s internet.. which basically is the definiton of FML rofl...
Enough of the EMO shit, im not trying to be like Anna-Maria. rofl @ that..
(Seriously, get over that dude, it may have been someone who u liked but it was 1 out of 1 billion. Just kill him in your mind)

Tomorrow, i´ll remove my bandage from my hand, I even gave him a name.. its die Handmumie. Bcoz its like wrappedover and shit. lulz &..

Lets see how it goes then - will the fingers be ok, or do i have an infection and must cut them of :O?
Find it out in the blog TOMORROW!
SOTD = song of the day
Cookiebreed - ein erotisches lied

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